Health & Safety
At the heart of the Skip Safe ethos is the desire to improve health and safety standards on building and construction sites across the country.
Despite the reduction in the number of injuries in the last 20 years, construction remains a high risk industry. It employs just 5% of people in Britain, yet is responsible for 27% of workplace
fatalities and 9% of reported major injuries.
Skip Safe covers are designed with the main focus on current health and safety regulations. They are 100% fireproof, 100% waterproof and fitted with reflective strips. Skip Safe chute covers fit
completely over the waiting skip, therefore reducing the amount of dust pollution & airborne particles released into the atmosphere. This is an especially important feature in busy public places,
where people with breathing and respiratory illnesses may come into close contact with the skip.
Standard skip covers can be particularly important when skips containing potentially hazardous or recyclable waste are kept on public highways overnight.
Building company Russells Construction, have been extremely impressed with the Skip Safe chute cover and highly recommend it. Russells tested it on a five storey building situated on a busy traffic
junction and said: "Owing to the high velocity of the materials striking the skip there is a potential for the generation of dust and projectiles. The Skip Safe Cover System prevents materials
striking vehicles and pedestrians as they pass the site, it also prevents materials being removed or introduced into the skip by personnel not involved in the project."
Research has shown that any health and safety improvements introduced by a company improve worker morale, productivity and business efficiency. Another reason to purchase Skip Safe system for your
business and help pioneer the way to a safer and healthier future.
The photographs below show 3 different hazards. Firstly, the potential danger caused by debris hitting pedestrians in the high street. Secondly, the potential danger of debris hitting passing cars
and thirdly the danger of dust and debris spilling out of the chute in action, clearly bouncing from the skip, causing potential injury to anyone in the near vicinity not to mention the damage this
does to the environment.
Our 100% fireproof skip cover prevents skip fires and arson as show in the photographs below. Not only are our covers flame retardant, they are also 100% waterproof. As skip waste is charged by the
tonne, our cover prevents excess charges due to rainwater/liquids. This cover is ideal for keeping recycled waste dry and secure.